Accumulation of Pb,Cu,and Zn in native plants growing on contaminated sites and their potential accu

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeans
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Phytoremediation is one of the cost-effective and environmental friendly technologies used to remove contaminants from contaminated soils, which has been intensively studied during the last decade. Presently, few economical and effective remediation methods are available for the remediation of Pb contaminated sites. This study was conducted to assess the potential of 19 plants growing on contaminated sites in Pb mine area. Plants and associated soil samples were collected and analyzed for total metal concentrations. While total soil Pb, Cu and Zn concentrations varied from 1,239 to 4,311, 36 to 1,020 and 240 to 2,380 mg/kg, those in the plant shoots ranged from 6.3 to 2,029, 20 to 570, and 36 to 690 mg/kg, respectively. Among the plants, we found that one cultivated crop (Ricinus communis L.) and two native species (Tephrosia candida and Debregeasia orientalis) have a great potential for phytoremediation of Pb contaminated soils, the Pb hyperaccnmulation capacity of the 3 plants was found as the order: R. communis D. orientalis T. candida in the investigated area.
介绍一种新颖的双针表面形貌测量系统 ,它将光学位移传感器和触针位移传感器巧妙地结合在一起 ,从而具有接触和非接触两种测量手段。与单一测量模式的表面形貌测量仪器相比 ,
Solutions to housing problems must deal with the issue of building materials-especially advancing those which lower construction cost and costs to the environme
最近几年,通过种地和打工赚钱难度越来越大了,已经进入了靠本事吃饭、凭技能赚钱的时代。不管是大学生还是农民,创业的前提都是具有创业的技能和创业的本领。其实在农村,创业的空间还是很大的,关键看你能不能抓住机遇。以下几种农民在农村有很大的创业空间,大家可以参考一下。  一是有种植专长。在农村,有种植专长的人往往比较吃香,这类人可以利用自己的种植技术将自己的田地变成“摇钱场”,靠土地赚取不少利润。  二是