关于国际汉语教师/对外汉语教师的研究大致可以分为两类,一类是“应然”的,另一类是“实然”的。(吴勇毅,2013)前者大致是指对国际汉语教师/对外汉语教师应该具备哪些条件(知识、能力、素养等)、应该成为什么样的人的探讨,强调的是应该做什么、怎么做,随着事业的发展、学科的进步和时代的变迁,这种探讨也在一直持续着(笔者以“对外汉语教师素质”为关键词在百度(学术)搜索(2015.7.24),相关论文共有7 379篇,这是一个惊人的
The research on international Chinese teachers / teachers of Chinese as a foreign language can be divided into two categories, one is “ought” and the other is “real”. (Wu Yongyi, 2013) The former generally refers to what kinds of conditions (knowledge, abilities, literacy, etc.) should be given to international Chinese teachers / teachers of Chinese as a foreign language and what kind of people they should become, emphasizing what should be done and how they should be done. With the development of the cause, the advancement of the disciplines and the change of the times, this discussion has been going on continuously for a long time. (The author uses “Quality Chinese as a Foreign Language Teacher” as the key word in Baidu (Academic Search) (2015.7.24) A total of 7 379 articles, this is a staggering