总局公布一季度优秀国产电视动画片 《故事奶奶》《彩虹宝宝2》等6部作品在列

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近日,总局发布《国家新闻出版广电总局办公厅关于推荐2017年第一季度优秀国产电视动画片的通知》(简称《通知》)。《通知》显示,经省级广播电视行政部门、中央电视台初选,国家新闻出版广电总局邀请相关播出机构、专家和观众代表进行审看终选,确定《故事奶奶》《彩虹宝宝2》《榜样》《星游记—风暴法米拉(上)》《小萝卜头》《阿优之兔智来了(二)》等6部国产动画片为2017年第一季度推荐播出优秀片目。《通知》要求,全国各级电视台特别是上星综合频道、动画少儿上星频道、地面少儿频道可予以优先安排播出。 Recently, the SAIC issued the Notice of the General Office of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Broadcasting and Television on recommending outstanding domestic TV animation in the first quarter of 2017 (“Notice”). “Notice” shows that the provincial radio and television administration, the CCTV primaries, the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television invited the relevant broadcast agencies, experts and audience representatives to review the final election to determine the “story of the baby,” “Rainbow Baby 2” Model “” Star Travel - Storm Farmington (on) “” radish head “” Youyouzhizhi (II) “and other six domestic animation for the first quarter of 2017 recommended to broadcast outstanding titles. The ”Circular" requires that all levels of television stations in the country, in particular, the integrated satellite channel, the satellite channel for animated children, and the terrestrial children channel be given priority in broadcasting.
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