家用摄象机原理讲座 第一讲 概述

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彩色电视机、录像机作为实用、新颖的消费类电子产品已进入社会各层次,拥有数以百万、千万计的越来越多的用户。随着家用电器的飞速发展及对外开放政策的进一步贯彻,继彩电、录像机之后,家用摄录机开始在国内市场上崭露头角,社会拥有量急剧上升。目前,国内市场常见的录像机有日本松下、JVC、夏普、日立、索尼等公司的产品。VHS-C型摄录机是其中典型的一种。 VHS-C是新一代的摄录一体机,它具有微型、省电、磁迹格式与普通VHS方式相一致的特点,已显露出极强的市场竞争潜力。因家用摄录机技术本身的基础理论性较强、涉及面较广,所以本讲座以VHS-C为主,结合松下、日立、夏普等典型机种,着重基本电路的分析,对松下的NV-MC20作整机的系统介绍。一、VHS-C摄录机的发展 VHS摄录机是摄像技术和录像技术发展的产物。它涉及到光学、电学、磁学及机械等原理,摄像机将被摄景物转换成电信号,这是电视系统中的主要信号源,其性能的优劣直接影响到电视图像的质量。 Color TVs, video recorders as practical, innovative consumer electronics products have entered all levels of society, with millions, millions of more and more users. With the rapid development of home appliances and the further implementation of the policy of opening to the outside world, following the development of color TV sets and video recorders, home camcorders have started to emerge in the domestic market and the social ownership has risen sharply. At present, the common domestic video recorders are Japan’s Panasonic, JVC, Sharp, Hitachi, Sony and other companies products. VHS-C camcorder is one of the typical type. VHS-C is a new generation camcorder that has the features of miniature, power saving and track format conforming to VHS. It has shown great potential for market competition. Due to the strong theoretical foundation of the home camcorder technology itself and the wider scope involved, this lecture focuses on the VHS-C, with typical models such as Matsushita, Hitachi and Sharp focusing on the analysis of the basic circuits, Panasonic’s NV -MC20 for the whole system introduction. First, the development of VHS-C camcorder VHS camcorder is the product of video technology and video technology. It involves the principles of optics, electricity, magnetism and mechanics. The camera converts the shot into electrical signals. This is the main signal source in the television system. The performance of the camera directly affects the quality of the television image.
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根据前人报导,每100名矿工中患眼外伤的有0.8~2.2例,缺勤2.39~18.4天。其中大部分是轻度的外眼损伤,占眼外伤的55~82%。 According to previous reports, there are 0.8 to 2.