1992年1月1日至1996年12月31日,通过随机整群抽样技术在浙江省17个市县的1086781人中,开展了婴儿死亡原因的监测研究。结果:婴儿死亡率分别为21.59‰、21.85‰、21.08‰、17.59‰、16.99‰。五年平均死亡率为19.92‰;城市11.12‰,农村22.3‰。五年中在28天内死亡的占婴儿死亡总数的65.9%、73.3%、 72.1%、 68.2%、 73.4%。由感染性疾病所致婴儿死亡占总死亡数的 18.74%,农村占 17.58%,城市占23.2%。婴儿的主要死因为早产、出生窒息、肺炎、败血症、意外窒息。先天性心脏病连续五年为城市婴儿的第一位死因。
From January 1, 1992 to December 31, 1996, a total of 1,086,781 people from 17 cities and counties in Zhejiang Province were investigated by random cluster sampling technique for monitoring the causes of infant death. Results: The infant mortality rates were 21.59 ‰, 21.85 ‰, 21.08 ‰, 17.59 ‰ and 16.99 ‰, respectively. Five-year average mortality rate was 19.92 ‰; urban 11.12 ‰, rural 22.3 ‰. 65.9%, 73.3%, 72.1%, 68.2%, 73.4% of the total number of infant deaths within 28 days in five years. Infant deaths from infectious diseases accounted for 18.74% of the total number of deaths, 17.58% in rural areas and 23.2% in urban areas. The main causes of death in infants are prematurity, birth asphyxia, pneumonia, sepsis and accidental suffocation. Congenital heart disease for five consecutive years as the city’s first infant cause of death.