蚕区桑树资源丰富,春伐或夏伐下来的桑枝数量庞大,这些桑枝通过饲料粉碎机粉碎晒干,用来栽培黑木耳,能取得较好的经济效益。 1.配料(%):按桑枝粉76、米糠20、白糖2、钙镁磷肥1、石膏1的比例备齐原料,充分搅匀后加入干净的水拌和,其湿度以手抓料握紧指缝间有水珠出现,但又不滴落为宜。
Silkworm mulberry area is rich in resources, spring or summer down a large number of mulberry branches, mulberry branches grind through the feed grinder, used to cultivate black fungus, can achieve better economic returns. 1. ingredients (%): press mulberry branch 76, rice bran 20, sugar 2, calcium magnesium phosphate 1, the proportion of gypsum 1 ready Qi raw materials, stir well after adding clean water mixing, the humidity to grasp the grasping hand grip There are drops of water between the fingers, but do not drip as appropriate.