随着粮食购销体制币场化改革的深化,粮食企业的经济性质、经营方式和业务范围都将发生深刻变化,必将对农发行信贷监管工作产生重大影响。为适应新的形势变化,支持国有粮食企业发挥主渠道作用,要求我们必须对现行收购资金供应与管理的政策、监管手段和方式作出相应调整和完善。现结合自身工作实际谈谈几点看法: 一、粮食购销体制市场化改革对收购资金封闭管理工作的影响
With the deepening of market-oriented reform of the grain purchasing and marketing system, profound changes will take place in the economic nature, mode of operation and business scope of grain enterprises, which will have a significant impact on the credit supervision of the Agricultural Development Bank. In order to adapt to the new situation and support the state-owned grain enterprises in their role as the main channel, we must make appropriate adjustments and improvements to the existing policies and regulatory instruments and methods for the acquisition and management of funds. Now with their work to talk about the actual point of view: First, the market of grain purchasing and marketing reform on the closed capitals of the acquisition of funds management