1996年欧洲足球先生、德国多特蒙德队自由人马丁亚斯·萨默尔最近回答了德国体育记者的问题。 ——你绿茵生涯中的腾飞出现在从东德球队转会到西德球队之后。此前你在德累斯顿队的情况如何? ——在我开始踢球时,没有机会去原西德。1989年末,在庆祝民主德国成立40周年时,我感到了变化的临近。我与朋友以及父亲讨论了出去的可能性。父亲像往常一样做了一切,警告我要注意危险,他在这种情况下
1996 European Footballer, Germany Dortmund free man Martin? Sameer recently answered the question of the German sports journalists. - Your take-off in a green career comes after a move from the East German team to the West German team. What happened to you in Dresden before? - I did not get a chance to go to West Germany when I started playing. At the end of 1989, I felt the change was approaching when I celebrated the 40th anniversary of Democratic Germany. I discussed the possibility of going out with my friends and my father. My father did everything as usual, warning me to beware of danger, in which case he was