加强内涵建设 提高药剂质量

来源 :中国医院管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hebeikbyz
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我院药剂科是院长直接领导下的专业技术科室,几年来,我们坚持治理整顿、深化改革的方针,针对《药局管理法》的要求,狠抓内涵建设,使药剂质量不断提高。一、抓基础建设,创造良好的工作条件 The Department of Pharmacy in our hospital is a professional technical department under the direct leadership of the Dean. Over the past few years, we have been adhering to the principles of governing and rectifying and deepening reforms. In response to the requirements of the Pharmacy Administration Law, we have paid close attention to the connotation construction and continuously improved the quality of pharmaceuticals. I. Grasping infrastructure and creating good working conditions