日前,住房城乡建设部发布公告,批准《绿色建筑评价标准》为国家标准,编号为GB/T 50378—2014,自2015年1月1日起实施。原《绿色建筑评价标准》GB/T 50378—2006同时废止。该标准由住房城乡建设部标准定额研究所组织中国建筑工业出版社出版发行。新版《绿色建筑评价标准》比2006年的版本要求更严格,内容更广泛。该标准在修订过程中,总结了近年来我国绿色建筑评价的实践经验和研究成果,开展了多项专题研究和试评,借鉴了有关国外先进标准经验,广泛征求了有关方面
Recently, the Ministry of Housing and Urban issued a notice to approve “Green Building Evaluation Standards” as the national standard, numbered GB / T 50378-2014, effective January 1, 2015. The original “green building evaluation criteria” GB / T 50378-2006 abolished at the same time. The standard by the Urban and Rural Construction Ministry of Standards and Standards Institute of China Construction Industry Press published. The new version of “green building evaluation criteria” than the 2006 version of the more stringent requirements, more extensive content. During the revision process, this standard summarizes the practical experience and research results of China’s green building evaluation in recent years, carried out a number of special studies and evaluations, draws on the experience of advanced foreign standards and solicited extensively the relevant aspects