抓机遇 求发展 办好协会——在中国汽车配件用品市场协会2013年会上的致辞

来源 :中国汽配市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dvvicky
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市场协会年会是行业交流的一次盛会,是同行共商合作发展的一次良机,在此,我谨代表中国汽车配件用品市场协会、中国汽车工业配件销售有限公司对今天到会的部委领导、行业专家、企业嘉宾、媒体朋友们表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢,感谢你们为中国汽车配件用品流通事业的发展做出的贡献,感谢你们长期以来对中国汽车配件用品市场协会给予的支持和关怀。 Market Association Annual Meeting is a grand occasion for industry exchange and is a good opportunity for businesspeople to discuss cooperation and development. Hereby, on behalf of China Auto Parts Market Association and China Automotive Industry Accessories Sales Co., Ltd., I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the leaders of ministries and departments Experts, business guests, media friends, a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks for your contribution to the development of China’s auto parts supplies circulation, thank you for your long-term support for the China Auto Parts Market Association and care.