
来源 :医疗卫生装备 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lx19880614
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近年来输液泵在临床护理治疗中起着重要的作用,它是连续输液工作中最为理想的先进医疗仪器,是普通输液方法所无法比拟的。目前大部分输液泵是用电驱动活塞式注射器或蠕动滚压方法来完成的,绝大部分仪器都设有参量监示,如故障报警、气泡检测、输液完成、电池电压检测等。只要正确使用输液泵,仪器就能保证静脉输液药物及液体量的准确性,同时 In recent years, infusion pump plays an important role in clinical nursing. It is the most advanced advanced medical instrument in continuous infusion, which is unmatched by common infusion methods. At present, most of the infusion pumps are driven by an electric piston-driven syringe or a peristaltic rolling method. Most instruments have parameter monitoring such as fault alarm, bubble detection, infusion completion and battery voltage detection. As long as the correct use of infusion pump, the instrument will be able to ensure the accuracy of the amount of intravenous fluids and fluids, at the same time