嗜铬细胞瘤(Pheo)除肾上腺外,还可发生于体内其他含有嗜铬组织的部位,分布甚广。迄今仍以手术切除为唯一的治疗方法,因此在术前作出可靠的定位诊断及提示可供判断手术难度的有用信息,是临床极为关心和必需解决的主要问题。对此我院曾有报导。本文系将其后4年(1983.3.~1987.4)术前经B超定位诊断的43例53处进行分析。 资料与方法 43(男24、女17)例均为我院住院手术病人,年龄平均39.65(10~64)岁,采用EUB-22、26及40型
Pheochromocytoma (Pheo) can also occur in other parts of the body that contain chromaffin tissue, in addition to the adrenal gland, and is widely distributed. Until now, surgical resection is still the only treatment method. Therefore, it is clinically important and necessary to solve the problem that reliable preoperative diagnosis and prompting useful information for judging the difficulty of surgery are made before surgery. This has been reported in our hospital. In this paper, 43 cases of 43 cases diagnosed by B-ultrasound before surgery (1983.3. ~ 1987.4) were analyzed. Data and Methods 43 (24 males and 17 females) were hospitalized patients in our hospital, with an average age of 39.65 (10 to 64) years old and using EUB-22, 26 and 40 type.