氨苄青霉素又称氨苄青或安比西林(Ampicillinumm,penbritin, polycillin, BRL-1341,Ampicilline,totapen,Stan- dacillin),本品为广谱半合成青霉素,毒性极低,本品主要用于注射,给药0.5克,静注5分钟后血浓度为45ug/ml,肌注1小时后8μg/ml,必要时亦可用口服,但肠道吸收不全,2小时后,仅为2.5~5μg/ml。最近作者确诊一例氨苄青霉素所致的药疹,报导如下:苏某,男,41岁。缘于1984年4月11日因感冒并扁桃腺肿大,发烧38℃~39℃,曾肌注氨苄青霉素100万(lg)一日二次,注射
Ampicillin, also known as ampicillin or ampicillin (Ampicillinumm, penbritin, polycillin, BRL-1341, Ampicilline, totapen, Stan- dacillin), this product is a broad spectrum semisynthetic penicillin, low toxicity, the product is mainly used for injection, 0.5 g of medicine, 5 minutes after intravenous blood concentration of 45ug / ml, intramuscular injection of 1μg 8μg / ml, if necessary, can also be used orally, but intestinal insufficiency, 2 hours later, only 2.5 ~ 5μg / ml. Recently, the author confirmed a case of drug-induced ampicillin, reported as follows: Sumou, male, 41 years old. Due to the April 11, 1984 due to cold and tonsil enlargement, fever 38 ℃ ~ 39 ℃, had intramuscular ampicillin 1000000 (lg) twice a day, injection