洗衣粉与肥皂混用有些人用洗衣粉洗衣服时,见领口等处太脏,就再打上一些肥皂,以为这样就会增强去污能力,其实不然,因为洗衣粉呈酸性,肥皂呈碱性,酸碱中和,反而降低了去污力。新旧电池搭配使用电池用旧,电阻增大。与新电池合用时,它实际上成了电路中的一个电阻器,不但不能节省电能,反而白白的消耗电能,直到新旧电池电压相等。因此二者不能合用。 “淘米次数越多越好”大米只要
Washing powder mixed with soap Some people use laundry detergent to wash clothes, see the collar and other places too dirty, then hit some soap, thought it would enhance the decontamination ability, it is not, because the detergent was acidic, soap was alkaline, Acid and alkali, but reduce the detergency. Old and new batteries with the use of old batteries, resistors increase. When used with a new battery, it actually becomes a resistor in the circuit, not only does not save power, but consumes white energy, until the old and new battery voltage is equal. Therefore, the two can not be used together. “The more the better the number of Taomi ” rice as long as