Rhenium-osmium isotope constraints on the age and source of the platinum mineralization in the Lower

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fancysoul
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The shale at the bottom of the Lower Cambrian black series in South China is rich in nonferrous metals, noble metals, rare and dispersed elements and radioactive elements, known as polyelement-rich bed. In order to date and trace the source of the platinum group elements, 6 samples were collected from the Zhongnan region of Guizhou Province, and the Ganzi- ping-Sancha region of Hunan Province. The contents and isotopes of Re and Os were measured. Re and Os are positively correlated with each other and the correlation coefficient between 187Os/188Os and 187Re/188Os is 0.99856. On the 187Os/188Os-187Re/188Os diagram, 6 sample points are well-distributed along the (542±11) Ma fitting isochron in high coincidence and with 0.84±0.12 as the initial 187Os/188Os value. The result displays that the age value of the major mineralization of Re, Os and other platinum group elements is (542±11) Ma, which is identical with the stratigraphical age of the wall rocks; the polyelement beds in Hunan and Guizhou provinces bear high isochroneity; the differences of the forming times of different materials in the polyelement bed of the same area do not surpass the error limit permissible for Re-Os date fitting; there exists no distinct time interval between the formation of the diagenetic veinlets and that of the polyelement bed, or the Re-Os isotope composition has not been distinctly changed by the former process; basaltic crust might be the major source of Re, Os, other platinum group and trace elements in the Lower Cambrian polyelement bed of Hunan and Guizhou provinces. The shale at the bottom of the Lower Cambrian black series in South China is rich in nonferrous metals, noble metals, rare and dispersed elements and radioactive elements, known as polyelement-rich bed. In order to date and trace the source of the platinum group elements, 6 samples were collected from the Zhongnan region of Guizhou Province, and the Ganzi- ping-Sancha region of Hunan Province. The contents and isotopes of Re and Os were measured. Re and Os are positively correlated with each other and the correlation coefficient On 187A / 188Os-187Re / 188Os diagram, 6 sample points are well-distributed along the (542 ± 11) Ma fitting isochron in high coincidence and with 0.84 ± 0.12 as the initial 187Os / 188Os value. The result displays that the age value of the major mineralization of Re, Os and other platinum group elements is (542 ± 11) Ma, which is identical with the stratigraphical age of the wall rocks; the polyelement beds in H unan and Guizhou provinces bear high isochroneity; the differences of the forming times of different materials in the polyelement bed of the same area do not surpass the error limit permissible for Re-Os date fitting; there exists no distinct time interval between the formation of the diagenetic veinlets and that of the polyelement bed, or the Re-Os isotope composition has not been distinctly changed by the former process; basaltic crust might be the major source of Re, Os, other platinum group and trace elements in the Lower Cambrian polyelement bed of Hunan and Guizhou provinces.
【摘 要】高职高专院校学生管理工作中,班主任起着不可替代的作用。为加强对学生的监管和教育,班主任有必要将学生在学校的表现及时反馈给家长。本文介绍了与不同类型家长进行有效沟通的方法。  【关键词】班主任;家长;沟通  在高职高专院校学生管理工作中,如何加强对学生的监管和教育,如何做好与学生家长的沟通,是广大班主任教师需要慎重思考的一个问题。教师与学生家长有着共同的目标,在此,我想结合自己多年的工作
心理学家曾经做过这样一个实 验:把一只小白鼠放到一个装满水 的水池中心。这个水池尽管很大,但 依然在小白鼠游泳能力可及的范围 之内。小白鼠落入水后,并没有马上 游动,而
常言道:“不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。”按理说,老年人相对于年轻人,饱经风雨、阅历丰富,应当对世事洞若观火,心中明镜一般。然而,根据近年来一些司法机关的统计数据,老年人正在成為诈骗案件的主要被害人群,保健、理财、网络购物等领域甚至有老年人扎堆被骗的案例出现。  为什么老年人反而容易受骗,老年人又要怎样避开各种精罗细致的诈骗陷阱?司法实务专家和法学学者建议,除了要健全完善保护老年被害人的刑事立法以外,还
外贝加尔湖地区位于西伯利亚东南部,贝加尔湖以东,包括达乌尔大草原.达乌尔草原是几种鹤类如丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)重要的栖息地.作者研究了自1988年以来该地区的鹤类情况.