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近年来,内蒙古出现了许多简易太阳能采暖住宅。它构造简单、投资少见效快、使用方便。现介绍临河市简易太阳能住宅。临河市地处北纬40°46′,位于河套平原中部,是内蒙自治区商品粮基地之一。南临黄河、北有乌加河,地势平坦,海拔1030m,属温带大陆性气候。年平均气温6.5℃,采暖期平均-5.3℃,一月份最低 In recent years, there have been many simple solar-powered heating homes in Inner Mongolia. It is simple in construction, less effective in investment, and easy to use. Now introduce the simple solar energy house in Linhe City. Linhe City is located at 40°46′ north latitude and is located in the middle of Hetao Plain. It is one of the commodity grain bases in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. It faces the Yellow River in the south and the Uga River in the north. The terrain is flat and is 1030m above sea level. It is a temperate continental climate. The average annual temperature is 6.5°C, the average heating period is -5.3°C, the lowest in January
8月15日  夏季又要匆匆离去了,今天,望着窗外那渐渐变黄的叶子,我想到了四季轮回的神奇。  春天,最美的是萌芽,地面上时不时地钻出一个个绿色的小脑袋,和肥沃的土壤相互依偎,更显一片生机盎然的景象。随着绿的萌动,天也蓝了,花也红了,鸟也醒了——又一度春光乍现。  夏季,是奔放的季节。白天,阳光显得格外热情,知了争先恐后地向人们展示它的活力,每当一阵微风轻轻拂来,沁人心脾的感觉突涌心头。夜晚,望天幕