一、体制上的落后 要理解为何需要建立国际经济新秩序,就必须了解业已改变的国际关系结构,因为后者导致了规则和体制的落后。任何一种与不发达国家发展问题有关的世界秩序都必须具备三(或四)种功能。(1)必须至少在一个国家中产生国际收支盈余;(2)必须建立金融机
I. Institutional Lagging To understand why a new international economic order needs to be established, we must understand the changed structure of international relations, which has led to the backwardness of rules and institutions. Any kind of world order related to the development problems of underdeveloped countries must have three (or four) functions. (1) a balance of payments surplus must be generated in at least one country; (2) financial institutions must be established