【摘 要】
Dear Editor,In morphogenesis,the sequential execution of tissue arrangement depends on a vast array of signaling proteins and cellular response.Several mechanis
【机 构】
Dear Editor,In morphogenesis,the sequential execution of tissue arrangement depends on a vast array of signaling proteins and cellular response.Several mechanisms of such response have been identified:apoptosis,proliferation,fusion,adhesion,sorting,transi
In the last fewyears,3D printing has emerged as a promising alternative for the fabrication ofmicrofluidic devices,overcoming some of the limitations associated
Over millions of years of evolution,nature has created organisms with overwhelming performances due to their unique materials and structures,providing us with v
Tissue engineering is an emerging means for resolving the problems of tissue repair and organ replacement in regenerative medicine.Insufficient supply of nutrie
《中国校外教育》由中華全国妇女联合会主管、中国儿童中心主办,创刊于1992年,目前为双月刊,具有国际、国内双刊号(国内统一刊号:CN11-3173/G4;国际标准刊号:ISSN 1004-8502),被中国知网、万方数据库、超星期刊等网络数据库全文收录。在2020年推出的《中国学术期刊评价研究报告》(第6版)中,被评为“RCCSE中国准核心学术期刊”。 本刊是我国唯一一本以校外教育为主题的学术期
With the recent advancement in nanotechnology,nanoparticles(NPs)offer an ample variety of smart functions than conventional materials in various aspects.As comp