何春凯 中国建筑科学研究院深圳分院副院长何春凯在第十二届国际绿色建筑与建筑节能大会上介绍了深圳地区既有居住建筑绿色改造的标准制订情况。他说,深圳市很早就开展既有建筑绿色化的探索。但是主要集中在公共建筑,居住建筑推广比较缓慢。深圳市1990年以前建造的住宅存在安全性和耐久性方面的问题,屋顶隔热、防水防渗效果不佳,老式窗隔声隔热性能不好,适老设计几乎没有,小区停车困难。为此,在国家开展“十二五”科技支撑计划项目—既有建筑绿色化改造关键技术与工程示范的研究的基础
He Chunkai He Chunkai, vice president of Shenzhen Branch of China Academy of Building Research, introduced the formulation of standards for green renovation of existing residential buildings in Shenzhen during the 12th International Green Building and Building Energy Conservation Conference. He said Shenzhen has long been exploring the greening of existing buildings. However, the main focus in public buildings, residential buildings to promote more slowly. Residential buildings built before 1990 in Shenzhen had problems of safety and durability. Roof insulation and impermeability of waterproofing and anti-seepage were imperfect. To this end, the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” for science and technology support projects in the country - the basis for the research on the key technologies and engineering demonstration of the green transformation of existing buildings