在许多期刊苦于碌碌无为的今夭,《新周刊》以时尚、新锐的姿态出现,无疑成为了一面旗帜。 “尽管时不时地显出纷乱和肤浅,但不能否认其制造和发现时尚的能力”(中华读书网)。的确,就《新周刊》“中国最新锐的时事生活周刊”这一定位来评判,在“生活”方面,它有比号称“中国第一周刊”的《三联生活周刊》更彻底的地方:就以“新锐”而言,诸如“砸烂电视”等专题,也有周刊期发量最大的《深圳周刊》所不能及的地方。因此,简单地忽视《新周刊》在中国期刊界的独特地位,无疑是不愿正视现实的表现;但反过来讲,正如一个人最大的优点也可能成为最大的缺点一样,离难以捉摸、往往是从一小部分人开始的时尚越近,偏离大众、脱离百姓的可能性便越高。这面旗帜飘得越高,也就有飘得目不可及的可能。在《新周刊》的卷首部分,我们经常看到由该刊组织的一篇篇读者评刊文章,的确,有一些争论,或许让我们更能弄清一些问题。
In many journals suffer from mediocrity today, “New Weekly” to fashion, cutting-edge attitude appears undoubtedly became a banner. “Although from time to time to show chaos and superficial, but can not deny its ability to create and find fashion ”. Indeed, on the “New Weekly” “China’s latest sharp current affairs weekly ” this position to judge, in “life ”, it has more than known as “China’s first weekly” “triple life weekly” More thoroughly: In terms of “新锐 ”, such as “smashed TV ” and other topics, but also the largest weekly issue of “Shenzhen Weekly” beyond the reach of. Therefore, simply ignoring the unique position of “New Weekly” in the periodicals in China is undoubtedly unwilling to address the reality; on the contrary, just as a person’s greatest strengths may become the biggest drawback, from the elusive, often The closer you get to fashion from a small group of people, the more likely you are to deviate from the public and get out of the people. The higher the flag is floating, the more it is possible to reach beyond its reach. In the beginning of the “New Weekly”, we often see an article in the reader’s magazine article organized by the magazine. Indeed, there are some controversies that may allow us to better understand some of the issues.