先天性葡萄膜外翻是一种罕见的疾病。全世界文献上总共报导了39例。但国内文献尚未见有这方面的报导。现将我们所遇见的三例作以下报告。[例1] 彭××、男、17岁,,住院号19505。患者因发现左眼“瞳孔散大”,一个月,初诊为左眼先天性葡萄膜外翻、青年性青光眼。于73年3月8日住院。患者足月顺产,智力正常。家族史无特殊。无全身性疾病史,全身检查无异常。眼部检查:右眼视力1.2,左眼视力1.0。眼压右20.6毫米汞柱,左37.2毫米汞柱。右眼未发现异常。左眼睑、角膜和前房正常,围绕瞳孔有一较宽的环状葡萄膜外翻,可见虹膜实质发育不全,表面无新生血管。瞳孔3×3毫米大小,居中、对光反射存在。房角镜检查:左眼宽[开]角,虹膜平坦,小
Congenital uveal eversion is a rare disease. A total of 39 articles have been reported in the world literature. However, the domestic literature has not seen this report. The three cases we met now make the following report. [Example 1] Peng × ×, male, 17 years old, hospital number 19505. Patients found that left eye “mydriasis”, a month, the first diagnosis of congenital left eye congenital uveitis, young glaucoma. March 8, 1973 hospitalization. Full-term follow-up of patients with normal intelligence. No special family history. No history of systemic disease, no abnormalities in the whole body examination. Eye examination: right eye vision 1.2, left eye vision 1.0. Intraocular pressure 20.6 mm Hg, left 37.2 mm Hg. The right eye found no abnormalities. The left eyelid, cornea and anterior chamber normal, around the pupil has a wide annular uveal eversion, visible iris hypoplasia, no neovascularization on the surface. Pupil 3 × 3 mm in size, centered, reflective of light. Gonioscopy: left eye wide [open] angle, iris flat, small