我园幼儿的家长多是双职工,工作和家务都很忙。他们上下班接送孩子时也是来去匆匆,与教师接触的时间很少。为了弥补这一不足,加强与家长的联系,我给班里的每个幼儿都备了一本“联系本”,每周把幼儿在园的生活、学习情况书面向家长汇报,并请家长也把孩子在家的表现以及他们的要求反映给幼儿园。我在实践中体会到,设立“教师家长联系本”是解决家园联系中的一些实际问题,并行之有效的一种好形式,我觉得它有以下几方面明显的好处: 一是使教师与家长都能全面地了解孩子在园或在家的表现。家长与子女的关系毕竟不同于教师和
I park children and young parents are mostly double-workers, work and housework are very busy. When they commute to and from work, they come and go in a hurry and have little time with their teachers. In order to make up for this problem and to strengthen our ties with parents, I have prepared a “Contact Book” for every toddler in my class. I report to parents in writing about the daily life and learning of young children in the school and invite parents The performance of children at home and their requirements to kindergarten. In practice, I realized that the establishment of a “Teacher Parents Contact Book” is a good form of effective solution to some practical problems in home-based contact. I think it has obvious benefits in the following aspects: First, teachers and parents Can fully understand the child’s performance in the park or at home. After all, the relationship between parents and children is different from that of teachers