NRG是由四位多才多艺的男孩儿组成的韩国超人气舞曲组合。作为第一支进军到中国的韩国演唱组合,已在中国发行了多张专辑,进行过一次中国巡回演唱会,参加了多次中、韩友好音乐交流活动,相信大家对NRG的熟悉程度决不亚于国内的歌手。 2000年成员之一金焕城突然病逝,其他四位成员忍住失去同伴的悲痛,于2001年春天发表了纪念金焕城的第四张专辑《悲》。
NRG is a combination of four ultra-popular South Korean dance music composed by four versatile boys. As the first Korean singing group to march into China, it has released many albums in China, conducted a Chinese concert tour, participated in many friendly music exchange activities with China and South Korea, and believed that everyone’s familiarity with NRG would never be Asian domestic singer. Jin Huancheng, one of the members of 2000, died suddenly. The other four members held back the grief of losing their companions and released the fourth album, “Sadness,” commemorating Jin Huancheng in the spring of 2001.