Eugene Unescu, the French dramatist and founder of the Absurdist drama, talked about his work in the following way: “The passion of being asleep in my body may explode and be brought under control. Furious passion or joyful eruption With me, ready to explode and burn sparks. For me, I am energy, flame, lava; I am a volcano. ”" The passion has inspired the creation of Yu Nescu, the flame of passion can promote any great culture Achievements, the burning, lurking desire to flame to build, to change, to innovation. If there is no passion, there will be no idea, research and pursuit of new things that will infuse new elements into culture, change culture and make life better. Passion is the starting point for innovation, but it must be supplemented by an education that supports and influences the process of development, providing knowledge and skills through which passion may be expressed,