只要稍作了解、分析,就可看出,在高校学生中,喜爱球类的占很大比例。而田径项目往往被忽视和冷淡,被学生视为次要项目。为此,要引导学生正确认识开展田径运动的意义,培养学生对田径运动的兴趣。在高校田径教学中,应注意以下几点。1 教师要加强学习,做到讲解清楚,示范正确田径教学课不是单一的教学课程,它同有关体育学科的基础理论知识有着密切的联系。
As long as a little understanding, analysis, we can see that among college students, love ball accounted for a large proportion. Athletics programs are often overlooked and indifferent to students as secondary projects. To this end, we should guide students to correctly understand the significance of track and field activities and cultivate students’ interest in track and field. In college track and field teaching, should pay attention to the following points. 1 teachers to strengthen learning, to explain clearly, demonstration of correct track and field teaching is not a single course of instruction, it is related to the basic theoretical knowledge of sports disciplines are closely linked.