我国北方燕山脚下长城沿线的板栗,多栽在土质比较瘠薄的丘陵山地。因立地条件差,管理粗放,缺肥少水,而且对树下水土保持工程不重视,造成根系裸露,树势衰弱,产量较低。为解决这一生产问题,我们在兴隆县的广大栗区推广了“一树、四库、三条线”的管理技术措施,它既解决了过去因挖撩壕过深使0.5厘米以上粗根断根而引起的大幅度减产,又避免了因清耕、刨树场而引起的水土流失严重造成的大量主侧根群外露的问题,可以保证日降雨100毫米水不下山,并还可以结合雨季压青追肥。因此,它对果树园利用天然降雨蓄水保墒,对增加土壤肥力具有明显的效果。具体做法是: 一、整地时间。为当年6月中下旬,即雨季来临前农闲间隔期进行为好。过早整地会伤一些毛细
The chestnuts along the Great Wall at the foot of Yanshan in the north of China are planted in more barren hilly mountains. Due to poor site conditions, extensive management, lack of water and lack of fertilizer, but also did not attach importance to soil and water conservation projects under the tree, resulting in bare roots, shrubs weak, low yield. In order to solve this production problem, we popularized management techniques of “one tree, four reservoirs and three lines” in the vast Liubei district of Xinglong County, which not only solved the problem of over 0.5 cm thick root and root The large-scale reduction of production caused by this project also avoids the problem of a large number of rootstocks exposed due to severe soil erosion due to clearing and planing of trees and trees. It can ensure that the daily rainfall of 100 mm does not drop downwards, top dressing. Therefore, it is natural or rain on the orchard water conservation, to increase soil fertility has a significant effect. The specific approach is: First, soil preparation time. In late June of that year, that is, before the onset of the rainy season for leisure interval as well. Premature site will hurt some capillaries