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格物致知说是中国古代儒家思想中的重要概念,源于《礼记·大学》中“欲诚其意者,先致其知,致知在格物。物格而后知至,知至而后意诚。”对于格物致知说,作为理学代表人物的程朱两人和心学集大成者王阳明有着不同的理解和争论。本文详细分析了程朱与阳明关于格物致知说各个方面的不同理解并从本体论意义上解释出现分歧的原因。 Gezhizhizhi is an important concept in Chinese ancient Confucianism, originating from “Book of Rites University”, “to be sincere, first to know, to know in the matter. . ”To the knowledge of the matter that, as a representative of the Neo-Confucianism and the heart of Wang Cheng-ming, Wang Yangming has a different understanding and controversy. This article analyzes in detail the different understandings of Cheng Zhu and Yang Ming in all aspects of knowledge discovery and explains the causes of the differences from the ontological meaning.