自1865年 KnoP 发表植物营养培养液的处方之后,随着矿质营养研究的深入,许多科学家又提出了不少种类的处方,如:WaIICe(1924),WoIIaCe(1930),TreIease(1933),Arnon(1938),Sideris(1949)。但是,这些处方对每种作物来说,不都是一律适用的。某一配方的营养液对一种作物来说是适用的,而对另一种作物就不一定完全适用。为此,国内外曾有人提出水稻营养液的配方问题。为了进一步解决最适合于水稻生长发育的配方及环境条件,为今后研究水稻矿物质营养生理工作创造有利条件,1966年上半期和1983年我们用二种水稻营养培养液进行了试验研究,现将其结果发表如下。
Since the formulation of the plant nutrient broth by KnoP in 1865, many scientists have proposed many kinds of prescriptions as follows: WaIICe (1924), WoIIaCe (1930), TreIease (1933), Arnon (1938), Sideris (1949). However, these prescriptions do not always apply to every crop. A given nutrient solution is suitable for one crop, but not necessarily for another crop. To this end, some people at home and abroad have proposed the formulation of rice nutrient solution. In order to further solve the formula and environmental conditions that are most suitable for the growth and development of rice and to create favorable conditions for future research on the nutrition and physiology of rice minerals, we conducted the experimental study with two types of rice nutrient broth in the first half of 1966 and 1983, The results are published below.