妊娠合并子宫颈癌者临床较少见。该病在世界各地的发病率不同,国内报道占子宫颈癌病人的0.92%~7.05%,国外占0.5%~1.3%。由于合并妊娠,故可使母体发生以下改变:①子宫的血液供应和输出增加,可促使肿瘤发展和转移。②雌激素、孕激素和绒毛膜促性腺激素增加,影响免疫状态。③分娩期子宫颈扩张,可将癌细胞挤至血管内,加速肿瘤扩散;并有导致出血和感染的危险。 一、诊断
Pregnancy with cervical cancer are less common clinical. The disease incidence in different parts of the world is different from the domestic coverage of cervical cancer patients accounted for 0.92% ~ 7.05%, 0.5% of foreign countries accounted for 1.3%. Due to pregnancy combined, so the maternal can make the following changes: ① uterine blood supply and output increase, can promote tumor development and metastasis. ② estrogen, progesterone and chorionic gonadotropin increased, affecting the immune status. ③ cervical dilatation during childbirth, cancer cells can be crowded into the blood vessels, accelerate tumor proliferation; and have the risk of bleeding and infection. First, the diagnosis