2002年4月20日《中国石化报》头版头条报道:上海石化70万吨乙烯改造开车成功,工艺设备国产化率逾八成。这“逾八成”中,就有我们杭氧的贡献! 1 乙烯为何物?有何作用呢? 乙烯(C_2H_4)是最简单的烯烃,是无
April 20, 2002 “China Petrochemical News” front page headlines: Shanghai Petrochemical 700,000 tons of ethylene reform drive a success, localization of process equipment over Bacheng. This “more than Bacheng ”, there is our contribution to Hang oxygen! 1 what is ethylene? What role? Ethylene (C 2 H 4) is the simplest olefin, is no