BASF Shanghai Plant Produces Emissions Control Catalysts

来源 :China Chemical Reporter | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaozuzi2009
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BASF said on March 29th catalysts produced at a BASF plant in Shanghai have removed more than 18 million tons of pollutants from China’s air and water since 2000. The BASF Shanghai Mobile Emissions Catalysts facility, celebrating its tenth anniversary, has now produced its ten millionth catalysts. BASF’s Shanghai manufacturing site began commercial production of mobile emissions catalysts in 2000. Since that time, three significant capacity expansion projects have been completed to keep pace with growing regional demand. Over the years, BASF’s Asia Pacific head quarters for Mobile Emissions Catalysts was relocated to the site, and state-of-the art research and development BASF said on March 29th catalysts produced at a BASF plant in Shanghai have removed more than 18 million tons of pollutants from China’s air and water since 2000. The BASF Shanghai Mobile Emissions Catalysts facility, celebrating its tenth anniversary, has now produced its ten millionth catalysts . BASF’s Shanghai manufacturing site began commercial production of mobile emissions catalysts in 2000. Since that time, three significant capacity expansion projects have been completed to keep pace with growing regional demand. Over the years, BASF’s Asia Pacific head quarters for Mobile Emissions Catalysts was relocated to the site, and state-of-the art research and development
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