编辑同志: 我和丈夫本来很恩爱,但自从他办公司发财后,就开始寻花问柳,并结识了有夫之妇戴某,两人时常在他的办公室做苟合之事,全公司的人虽然都知道,但无一人告诉我,因此我被蒙在鼓里,还一直以为他是个好丈夫。直到不久前,我因有急事到办公室找他,正巧碰见两人相拥调
Editor’s Comrade: My husband and I had been very loving, but since his office got rich, he began to look for flowers and get acquainted with a married woman Dai Mou, who often do in his office to deal with the matter, although the whole company are I know, but nobody told me so I was kept in the dark and always thought he was a good husband. Until recently, I was looking for him because of an emergency to the office, happened to meet the two people reconcile tone