丁衡高主任批示:请国模同志阅。航空航天工业部把加强质量工作作为首要任务来抓,专门做了决定,此件是否转发兵器、电子、造船等部门,请研究。如转发,可在前面加一按语,特别强调一下质量工作的重要性。 怀国模副主任批示:请综合计划部按丁主任批示,将此件转发给有关部和军兵种及各省工办,要写一个好的按语,强调在新形势下质量方面的新问题和目前出现的质量事故,不能麻痹放松。
Ding Henggao, director of instructions: Please read the model of Comrades. The Ministry of Aerospace Industry has taken the strengthening of quality work as its primary task, and has made a decision. Whether this piece will be forwarded to weapons, electronics, shipbuilding, etc. Please study. Such as forwarding, you can add a phrase in front, with particular emphasis on the importance of quality work. Deputy Director Huai Guomo Instructed: Invited by the Director of the Ministry of Comprehensive Planning, according to the instructions of Director Ding, this piece was forwarded to the relevant ministries, arms, and labor offices of the provinces. It was necessary to write a good slogan, emphasizing new issues in quality and the current situation in the new situation. Quality accidents that occur cannot be paralyzed and relaxed.