找准起点,以"问"引"探" ——《平均数》说课设计

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一、教材及学情分析【教材分析】“平均数”是义务教育教科书人教版数学四年级下册第八单元第1课时的内容。平均数是在第一学段已经理解了平均分及除法运算含义的基础上教学的。平均数的概念与过去学过的平均分的意义是不完全一样的。平均数是一个“虚拟”的数,是借助平均分的意义通过计算得到的。【学情分析】由于学生已经具备平均分的基础知识,大部分学生能列出算式进行计算,但不代表学生能理解在生活中的平均成绩、平均产 First, the textbook and analysis of academic analysis [textbook analysis] “average ” is compulsory education textbook PEP mathematics fourth grade eighth volume eighth lesson content. The average is taught on the basis that the first semester has understood the meaning of mean and division. The concept of averages is not exactly the same as the mean of points learned in the past. The average is a “virtual” number, which is calculated by means of average points. [Analysis of students] Because students already have the basics of average points, most students can formulate formulas to calculate, but does not mean that students can understand the average score in life, the average yield
2015年7月7日,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS)刊登了南京大学李伟强教授与美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校合作者关于条带状铁建造成因的论文“Biologic