提起居委会工作,有人说:“这个活,好汉子不愿干,赖汉子干不了”。这份拿钱不多、权力不大、事情不少的工作,充满了酸、甜、苦、辣。 1997年7月,我从单位退下来,步入了这个比较生疏的岗位。上任的头一个月,乱七八糟的琐事,搅得我不知从何干起,产生了打退堂鼓的念头。但老主任们的期望,办事处各位领导的真情,又使我难以开口。 居委会虽然是个群众“自治组织”,但干的大部分工作都是区政府或街道办事处直接分派下来的。每周的街道办事处例会,人们背地里管它叫“领活会”。在两三个小时的会上,各科室的主任、科长们争先恐后地布置着各项工作。满负荷的工作量,够我们忙
Mention the work of neighborhood committees, some people say: “This live, good guy do not want to do, rely on man can not do.” This little money, power is not big, a lot of things work, full of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy. July 1997, I step back from the unit, entered the more unfamiliar positions. The first month of office, messy chores, stirring up I do not know where to start, had the idea of retreating. However, the expectations of the old directors and the truth of the leadership of the office made it hard for me to speak. Although the neighborhood committee is a mass “self-governing organization,” most of the work done by cadres is directly dispatched by district governments or sub-district offices. Weekly neighborhood office routine, people behind it called “collar live meeting.” In two or three hours of the meeting, the chiefs and chiefs of various departments were scrambling to arrange various tasks. Full workload, enough for us