
来源 :国外医学(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weihan0533
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新生儿败血症的症状多无特异性,早期诊断较困难,临床工作者多根据临床表现应用抗生素直到血培养阴性才停药,有许多用药实际上是不需要的。如何使抗生素应用限制到最小范围,缩短住院时间,减少产生耐药菌株,对败血症的早期诊断成了儿科临床医学中存在的主要问题之一。近年来国外学者对早期快速诊断:感染的实验室检查进行许多研究,除血培养以外可分为非特异性和特异性二大类实验室诊断方法。 Neonatal sepsis symptoms are more specific, early diagnosis is more difficult, clinicians often based on clinical manifestations of antibiotics until blood culture was negative until the withdrawal of a lot of medication is actually not needed. How to limit the application of antibiotics to a minimum, shorten the length of hospital stay, and reduce the generation of drug-resistant strains. The early diagnosis of sepsis has become one of the major problems in pediatric clinical medicine. In recent years, foreign scholars have conducted many researches on early rapid diagnosis: laboratory tests of infection, and can be divided into two categories of non-specific and specific laboratory diagnostic methods besides blood culture.
我在宠物市场花1000元买了一只出生不久的小狗。可是到家的第3天它就病了,我把它送到宠物医院,医生说这病很难治,要住院,先交2000元,未来可能还要花更多的钱,因为狗狗实在太小,所以医好只有50%的希望。  于是我就有两种选择:治疗,需要支出2000元甚至更多;放弃治疗,再去买一只差不多的狗只需要1000元。从经济学角度来说,当然后者更合算。  经济学家们一直试图为生命标价,“生命无价”这句话在他