他的座右铭很实在:堂堂正正做人,踏踏实实工作。 他是业界内的一杆大旗。 他是士兵,又是将军。 奇迹般地将一个濒临倒闭的眼镜厂,发展成为目前中国最大的树脂片生产出口基地;国内一流的眼镜架生产厂家。 在他的领导下,镇江万新光学眼镜有限公司,从1992年始,每年销售额以30%—50%的速度递增。2001年销售额1.1亿,利税2800万,出口创汇1000多万美元。2002年销售额将突破1.5亿。 他那具有亲和力的微笑中,有朴实、有诚信、有王者之身的睿智,也有许多读不完的艰辛和故事……
His motto is very true: Dignified and committed. He is a banner in the industry. He is a soldier and a general. Miraculously, a battered glasses factory has developed into the largest resin film production and export base in China and the first-class manufacturer of spectacle frames in China. Under his leadership, Zhenjiang Wanxin Optical Eyewear Co., Ltd., since 1992, annual sales increased by 30%-50%. 2001 sales of 110 million, profits and taxes 28 million, exports more than 10 million US dollars. In 2002 sales will exceed 150 million. Among his friendly smiles, there are simple, honest, wise and wise, and many hardships and stories...