并不豪华 更非好戏——我看越剧《红楼梦》

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受宣传媒体的诱导,我们一行20多人冒着倾盆大雨开车,专程前往番禺丽江明珠歌剧院去观看上海越剧院演出的《红楼梦》。可惜是“乘兴而去,败兴而回”,到了深夜12点多钟戏还没演完,我们实在熬不下去,只好提前退场,归途中大家还一路上怨声不绝。据宣传称:这是“豪华新版”《红楼梦》,“全剧由130名全女将演出,阵容鼎盛……当中道具布景运输需9辆货柜车,全剧配中、英文字幕,四十人乐队伴奏。”这里所讲的都是事实。但是一出戏演员和乐队人数多,布景道具也多,这就是“豪华”了吗?就我们的观感来看,这出戏的演出并无任何一个场面有“豪华”感。原因是布景过分拘 Inspired by the propaganda media, more than 20 people in our party drove down the torrential rain to make a special trip to Panyu Lijiang Pearl Opera House to watch the “Dream of Red Mansions” performed by Shanghai Yue Theater. Unfortunately, “take the ride away, defeat and back” to the late night more than 12 o’clock drama has not played, we really can not go on, had to exit early, everyone on the way home all the way back on endless grudges. According to the propaganda, this is a “luxury new edition,” “A Dream of Red Mansions,” and “the whole play will be performed by 130 all-women. Accompaniment. ”All that is presented here is a fact. However, there are more actors and bands in a play and more sets of props. Is this “luxury”? In our opinion, there is no “luxury” in any of the performances in this play. The reason is set too detention
上海老城厢有着深厚的历史人文底蕴和独特的城市风貌。这里是上海的腹地,也是上海人最早开辟的生存空间,是上海作为一座大都市的起点和基石。位于老城厢东南部的乔家路虽然只是一条不起眼的小路;然而,它较为完整地保存了明清至民国时期生活街区的格局和建筑群。在上海,这是绝无仅有的。  最有味道的小街乔家路上的石库门  明清时期,乔家路还只是一条河浜,它东起中华路,西至凝和路,曲曲折折不足1000米。明末名将乔一