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刘师培(1884-1919),字申叔,曾名光汉,别号左盦;江苏仪征人。在现代学人当中,张荫麟仅得年三十七岁,却能治学多方,已可谓学林异数。然而有仪征刘师培、双流刘咸炘二人,天妒尤甚,皆绝命于三十六岁,论年寿之永尚不及张氏,而论著述之丰则犹有过之。三人皆近代学术史上的彗星,刘师培尤为高明,故以梁山泊短命二郎一席归之。刘氏为近代学术过渡时代的代表人物之一,既延续中学之旧,亦趋慕西学之新;其撰作极勤,种类极多,若以新旧为标准,可明显划分为传古与趋新两大类。传古者,系继承本土的旧学术传统,无论体裁或内涵,皆属清代朴学的延伸。经学如《礼经旧说》、《周礼古注集疏》、《读左剳记》、《春秋左氏传古例诠微》、《汉宋学术异同论》,文献学如《古书疑义举例补》、《周书补正》、《晏子春秋校补》、《荀子斠补》、《楚辞考异》、《读道藏记》、《敦煌新出唐写本提要》,小学如《尔雅虫名今释》,数量极为繁富。其他短篇散论,更不可胜计。 Liu Shipei (1884-1919), the word Shen Shu, had the name Guanghan, alias Zuo Ji; Jiangsu Yizheng. Among modern scholars, Zhang Yinlin is only 37 years old. However, there are Yizheng Liu Shipei, Shuangliu Liu Xiangyuan two days jealous especially, are absolutely destined to thirty-six years old, on the occasion of the longevity is less than Zhang, but on the abundance of the treatise still had it. All three comets in modern academic history, Liu Shipei is particularly clever, so Liangshanbo short-lived Erlang a seat. Liu is one of the representatives of the academic transitional period in modern times. It not only extends the old school of old middle school, but also tends to be the newest in western learning. His writing is very diligent and of great variety. If the old and the new are the criteria, it can be clearly divided into two types: The new two categories. Inheritance of ancient, inherited from the local old academic tradition, regardless of genre or content, are an extension of the Qing Dynasty Pu learned. The classics such as “Rites of the old”, “Zhou Li ancient notes Ji Shu”, “Reading Zuo Ji”, “Spring and Autumn Zuo Shi Zhuanwei”, “Han and Song academic similarities and differences”, literature such as “ An Example Supplement ”,“ Correction of Zhou Shu ”,“ Yan Zi Chun Qiu Bu Bu ”,“ Xun Zi Bu Bu Bu ”,“ Chu Ci Dao Ye ”,“ Reading Records ”,“ Insect name now release ”, the number is extremely rich. Other short stories, even more victorious.
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