Disputes and litigations between shareholders of a company or between a company and its shareholders often take the establishment agreement of the company as the basis for their claim. Some shareholders even directly request for the dissolution of the establishment of an agreement in order to achieve the purpose of dissolution of the company. The opposite party will use the provisions of the articles of association as its defense. Or vice versa between the parties. So after the dispute between shareholders in order to safeguard their own rights and interests, is the establishment of the agreement of the company shall prevail, or the company’s constitution shall prevail? What is the legal relationship between the establishment of the company agreement and the Articles of Association? This is the judicial practice to be Clear question. The establishment agreement, also known as the sponsor agreement, is an agreement made by the sponsor before the establishment of the company to establish a company. Is the target company to enter the establishment of the basic procedures. The purpose of establishing an agreement is to determine the basic nature and structure of the company set up and to coordinate the relationship between the rights and obligations of the promoters in setting up the company.