如今,电子市场的纷纷崛起改变了和改变着中关村以往凌乱的经营形式,旧的格局被打破,新的面貌不断呈现在消费者的面前。电脑的不断升级渐渐改变了它自身的地位,纷纷驻进了高楼大厦。电脑卖场的开办也越来越贴近人们的生活,逐渐渗透到大型的商场中,位于当代商城五楼的中关村电脑总汇与太平洋电脑市场开业时间相隔很近,它们有哪些相似之处,又有哪些特色呢? 记者最近走访了中关村电脑总汇,从当代商城前走过路过的行人无不回头观望一下当代的风采,中关村电脑总汇
Nowadays, the rise of the electronics market has changed and changed the messy business model of Zhongguancun in the past. The old pattern has been broken and new appearances are continuously presented to consumers. The continuous upgrading of computers has gradually changed its own status and has been stationed in high-rise buildings. The opening of computer stores has also become more and more close to people’s lives, and has gradually infiltrated into large shopping malls. The Zhongguancun Computer Center on the fifth floor of the contemporary mall is very close to the Pacific computer market. What are their similarities and what are they? Characteristics? The reporter recently visited the Zhongguancun Computer Center. Pedestrians passing by in front of the contemporary mall are all looking back at the contemporary elegance. Zhongguancun Computer Center