Bone is the body’s support, people have been able to move freely, due to the bones, muscles, nerves and other collaborative results. As the age increases, the organic components in the bone, such as collagen and osteocalcin, gradually decrease, and the inorganic salt component increases gradually. As a result, the bone becomes brittle and fractures easily occur. According to the study, after the age of 40, osteoporosis and bone atrophy gradually appeared and the bone density decreased. 70 years old to 80 years old, bone mineral density equivalent to about 50% of youth. Therefore, after the age of 45, bone and joint diseases gradually increased, such as osteoporosis, fractures of the elderly, senile arthritis, frozen shoulder, cervical spondylosis and so on. Osteoporosis is a systemic metabolic disease characterized by osteopenia, deterioration of the microstructure of the bone, fragility of the bone