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近年来,随着“廉政文化教育基地”创建工作的不断推进,我省形成了富有时代特征、浙江特色的廉政教育与廉政文化良性互动、相互促进的生动局面。教育基地建设是一项量大面广的系统工程,浙江在实践中始终坚持用统筹的理念推进廉政文化教育基地建设。截至目前,浙江共进行了三批省级廉政文化教育基地评审命名工作,全省历时7年,共创建了36家省廉政文化教育基地。坚持规划先行。对5至10年廉政文化建设作出整体规划,做到长计 In recent years, along with the continuous promotion of the creation of a “clean and honest cultural and educational base”, the province has formed a vivid situation of enriching the characteristics of the times and promoting the benign interaction and promotion of the clean government and anti-corruption culture with Zhejiang characteristics. The construction of education base is a systematic project with a large amount of breadth and depth. In practice, Zhejiang always adheres to the concept of overall planning to promote the construction of an honest and clean culture and education base. Up to now, Zhejiang has conducted a total of three batches of provincial acculturation cultural and educational base review and naming work, the province lasted 7 years, creating a total of 36 provincial clean culture and education base. Insist on planning first. To 5 to 10 years of building a clean government culture overall plan to do long term
摘 要: 针对阅读理解在高考中的重要性,本文通过作者多年的教学经验,从如何提高学生的学习兴趣,扩大英语词汇量,养成良好阅读习惯,培养一定的阅读技能几方面着手,提出一些个人的看法,并在阅读技能上给出了几点自己总结并行之有效的技巧,以此与广大教师共同探讨如何培养学生英语阅读能力的方法,以提高学生们的英语阅读能力。  关键词: 阅读理解 英语阅读能力 培养方法    在近几年的高考中,英语有关阅读的题目