1 2013年平稳增长,步伐放慢吉林省农业生产特别是粮食生产,不但在本省国民经济中有极其重要的地位,而且在国家总体粮食安全战略上更是具有举足轻重的作用。201 3年,吉林省粮食突破350亿kg,是历史上一个特大丰收和最高产量年。而这又是在春季农业生产面临历史罕见的低温春涝、整地和播种期严重延后的情况下取得的。农机的优势与作用,为粮食丰收立下了不可磨灭的功劳,可以说2013年吉林省是农业机械化值得浓墨重彩描绘的一年。
1 Steady growth in 2013 and slowing down of agricultural production in Jilin Province, especially grain production, have not only played an extremely important role in the national economy of the province, but have also played a pivotal role in the overall national food security strategy. In 2013, the grain output in Jilin Province exceeded 35 billion kg, a bumper harvest and the highest yield year in history. This, in turn, was achieved in the spring when agricultural production faced a rare history of low temperature spring floods and floods, land preparation and serious delays in sowing. The advantages and role of agricultural machinery for food harvest has set an indelible credit, it can be said that in 2013 Jilin Province is worthy of heavy agricultural machinery and equipment painted a year.