
来源 :上海革命史资料与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuhu1314518
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上海是历史文化名城,卢湾区是文化气息浓郁的中心城区之一。陆地面积仅7.52平方公里,在上海是最小的一个城区。但是文化底蕴相当深厚,区境1/4面积属于“衡山路一复兴路”历史文化风貌保护区,230余处文物点,已经纳入文物保护范围的有100处,其中全国重点文物保护单位3处、市级文物保护单位12处、上海市优秀历史保护建筑54处、区级文物保护单位2处、登记不可移动文物29处。星罗棋布,犹如一抔珍珠,把卢湾区装点得精致、璀璨。其中竟有75%集中在仅1.93平方公里的瑞金二路街道, Shanghai is a famous historical and cultural city, and Luwan District is one of the densely populated central urban areas. Land area of ​​only 7.52 square kilometers, in Shanghai is the smallest city. However, the cultural background is rather profound. One-fourth of the area belongs to the protected area with historical and cultural features of “Hengshan Road-Fuxing Road”. Over 230 cultural relics sites have been included in the protection of cultural relics, of which 100 are key cultural relics protection units 3, 12 municipal heritage conservation units, 54 outstanding historic buildings in Shanghai, 2 district-level cultural relics protection units and 29 non-movable cultural relics. Dotted, like a pearl, the Luwan District decorated exquisite, bright. As much as 75% of them are concentrated in only 1.93 square kilometers of Ruijin Road,
A simple and controllable layer-by-layer (LBL) assembly method was proposed for the construction of reagentless biosensors based on electrostatic interaction be
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从顾客面前那个始终面带微笑的大堂经理到舞台上弹出悠悠钢琴曲的女孩,从拿出计算器给顾客计算理财收益到在电脑前用数位板画出漫画,方元珏展现出一个更加立体的金融人形象。  回顾在交行的五年时间,她和交行一同在成长。方元珏先后荣获 2013年合肥金融微笑天使20强、2014年交通银行总行服务明星、2015年交通银行安徽省服务明星、2015年中国银行业协会明星大堂经理与明星大堂经理之“亲善之星”双荣誉、20
The First National Women’s Congress Meeting dates: March 24-April 3, 1949 Location: Beiping (now Beijing) Number of attendees: 474 The opening speech, given b