【摘 要】
Never before has seen such a scene: in today’s China, from the capital markets to the emerging Internet field, everyone is talking about the “investment value” of the media industry. The earliest betting here is venture capitalists. As early as a few years ago, many angel investors, VCs and PEs began to lay their hands on the media industry chain. The birth of new products and technologies such as IPAD, Weibo and WeChat increased virality, leaving the traditional The media ecology has made a dazzling change: In the Third Plenary Session of the 18th, the cultural body
The comparative study of epitaxial 380-nm-thick p-Al0.091 Ga0.909 N materials without and with special surface chemical treatment is systematically carried out.
A new double-layer grating template is designed to reduce the out-of-band loss as much as 1.8dB when the loss of LP03 reaches 10.2 dB. Meanwhile, we propose a m
日前有媒体报道,某中学出台了“女生不许留长发”的校规。长发本是女孩子美的象征,爱美是女孩子的天性和合法权益。《中学生日常行为规范》只是要求“不烫发,不染发,不化妆,不佩戴首饰,男生不留长发,女生不穿高跟鞋”。“女生不许留长发”的校规显然就有点强词夺理,忽视了孩子的心理和情感需要,更和国家法规形成了冲突。 校规旨在给孩子提供一个温馨、有序的教育环境,提升规则意识和法制意识。因为其本身充满了善意,我
First-principles simulation is used to investigate the structural and mechanical properties of vacancy defective single-walled (5,5) carbon nanotubes. The relat
The angular distributions of elastic scattering for the 6Li +208Pb system have been measured at several energies around the Coulomb barrier. The parameters of o
The SOS (save our soul) response induced by DNA damage in bacteria E coli has raised a great interests in biophysics and has been extensively studied. Previousl
We investigate the shape-preserving propagation of N optical pulses in an (N + 1)-level medium. We solve Maxwell-Schrodinger equations exactly and provide sever
日前,看了林爻的《带毒的完美主义》(2013年1月1日《 中国青年报 》)一文后,颇受启发。特别是当问及“正确重要还是整洁重要”时,最后小朋友的一句“当然是干净整齐了,老师说了,写得干净整齐的就可以奖励每行少写一个字”,让人久久不能释怀。的确,如果我们的教师用这种方式训练学生,相信训练出来的完美主义,不仅伤人,而且带毒。 正确比整洁更重要,这是一个教育常识。但是我们有些教师却以“写得干净整齐的就