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搞写作的人,要做有心人,要养成随时随地观察的习惯。观察是写作者的基本功。作家的眼睛,要像磁铁一样引吸着生活中一切精彩的细节、生动的形象、难忘的形体动作。要像画家那样明察秋毫,细致感受到现实生活的各种色彩和光影。在画家的眼睛里,雨前和雨后的光线是不同的,林? Engage in writing, to be conscientious, to develop the habit of observing anytime, anywhere. Observation is the writer’s basic skills. Writer’s eyes, like magnets to attract all the wonderful details of life, vivid images, unforgettable physical movements. To be as clear as the painter, meticulous feel the real life of the various colors and lighting. In the artist’s eyes, the light before and after the rain is different, I’m?