The hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of hydroxyl in clay mineral from a weathering profile:

来源 :Acta Geochimica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nenhuang
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Recent studies suggest that the hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of clay minerals can indicate paleoclimate.Here,we report mineralogy and stable isotopic records(d D and δ~(18)O_(OH))of a weathering profile located in the Fujian Province,aiming to validate whether hydroxyl stable isotopes can indicate paleo-precipitation and paleo-temperature.Our results indicate that the d D and δ~(18)O_(OH)changes in the kaolinite hydroxyl of the weathering profile are basically determined by the isotopic composition of paleo-meteoric water and paleotemperature,respectively.Nevertheless,whether the d D and δ~(18)O_(OH)of kaolinite can quantitatively indicate paleo-precipitation and paleo-temperature needs to be verified further,and especially,the structural oxygen isotopic composition that is the essential element for the kaolinite formation temperature calculation has to be constrained in future work. Recent studies suggest that the hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of clay minerals can indicate paleoclimate. Here, we report mineralogy and stable isotopic records (d D and δ ~ (18) O_ (OH)) of a weathering profile located in the Fujian Province, aiming to validate whether hydroxyl stable isotopes can be paleo-precipitation and paleo-temperature. Our results indicate that d D and δ ~ (18) O_ (OH) changes in the kaolinite hydroxyl of the weathering profiles are determined by the isotopic composition of paleo-meteoric water and paleotemperature, respectively. Nevertheless, whether the d D and δ ~ (18) O_ (OH) of kaolinite can quantitatively indicate paleo-precipitation and paleo-temperature needs to be verified further, and especially, the structural oxygen isotopic composition that is the essential element for the kaolinite formation temperature calculation has to be constrained in future work.
每到玉米成熟期,由于受气候的影响,玉米容易生病,导致产量减少,所以对玉米病的防治相当重要。下面就几种常见的玉米病和防治方法浅谈一下。  关于玉米小斑病。这种病和7月份降雨量大小和小斑病的发病程度有很大关系。当病株率达70%时,病叶率才开始自下而上的发展;降雨早,病株率上升早;反之就晚。对此病的防治方法是先摘除玉米底部1~2片病叶集中销毁;喷洒50%多菌灵或70%托布津500倍液,或代森锰锌800倍
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