
来源 :宝鸡社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sworc
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上世纪二十年代,军阀党玉琨在宝鸡斗鸡台戴家沟大肆盗掘古墓葬,出土了包括西周早期的青铜重器在内的千余件珍宝,这批青铜器大多已流失国外。在国家社科院考古研究所王世民先生和北京故宫博物院唐福年先生的帮助下,我们得到了已故的陈梦家先生、唐兰先生以及刘安国先生保存的这? In the 1920s, the warlord Yukun thumped on ancient tombs in the Daijigou, Baoji, Baoji and unearthed more than a thousand pieces of treasures, including the bronze heavy weapons in the early Western Zhou Dynasty. Most of these bronze wares have been lost abroad. With the help of Mr. Wang Shimin, National Institute of Archeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Mr. Tang Fu-nien, Beijing Palace Museum, we got this saved by Mr. Chen Mengyue, Mr. Tang Lan and Mr. Liu Anguo.
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